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Summer Programmes


For 2025, Future learning offers three different summer programme options in three superb locations in Ireland (Dublin, Athlone, Galway, Sligo, Tonbridge UK & Sherfield UK). All of these locations have been carefully selected to suit the needs of today’s junior students. Every location has got its own uniqueness with each boasting incredible modern school facilities, outstanding accommodation options along fun and interesting nearby activities and excursions. Students have the option to choose from staying with a local friendly host family or high-quality residential accommodation.

STEAM Programme Locations

Our STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) programmes have everything to offer energetic students.We offer technology-enhanced morning classes linked to our afternoon activities. Our Afternoons are packed with innovative activities.



Cultural Programme Location

Our cultural programme has a strong focus on embracing the culture of the area. The teacher led activities are planned around a learning outcome based on the local Geography, History, Biology, Literature and Culture, both ancient and modern.



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Learn English in Dublin
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